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Land and Communities

Mosley Common, Tyldesley

Plans: Plans for the Mosley Common site can accommodate up the 1,800 new homes and will create a new community within an attractive landscape framework. The built and natural environment established will be of high quality and a potential to deliver a country park.

Key Facts:

  • £246m investment in construction of the proposed development
  • 255 jobs supported in retail and leisure jobs
  • £44.5 uplift in gross annual income from new employed residents
  • £11.8m additional New Homes Bonus


  • Potential for the delivery of a new Country Park
  • Development will be integrated with a multi-modal green and blue infrastructure network which delivers a truly landscape-led approach to development
  • Includes a new stop on the Leigh-Salford-Manchester guided busway, meaning it is a highly accessible with numerous opportunities for sustainable travel and reducing reliance on the private car

Gibfield, Atherton

Plans: Gibfield Park will be a high-quality mixed-use development within an attractive landscape framework with the ability to delivery c. –500 - 550 new homes both affordable and open market and 45,500 sq m of employment space providing modern, flexible and high specification floorspace which will be suitable for commercial and industrial occupiers and will form a logical expansion to the Gibfield Park Industrial Area.

Key Facts:

  • 4m investment in the construction of the proposed development


  • A network of green infrastructure and leisure resources, including a substantial and accessible Country Park, connections to the wider natural environment and enhancements to the PRoW network
  • Connections to local transport bus and rail links located near to the site.
  • The co-location of housing and employment which enables a sustainable pattern of growth
  • Aim for Biodiversity Net Gain through the retention of valued habitats and enhancement of biodiversity resources via green infrastructure, wetlands, hedgerow/tree planting and ongoing habitat management.
  • A comprehensive SuDS network
  • Exploring renewable energy generation and sustainable construction methods to minimise carbon impact